Replacement tent bags for Springbar® Tents. USA-made canvas bags are also great for laundry bags, sleeping bag storage, and gear storage.
If you need a replacement tent bag or anything heavy duty this is your bag! Incredible! Thinking of other uses….
Simple but cute.
We purchased the SpringBar tent in 1971, which is 53 years ago. It's been a wonderful tent, and owning it has provided an assortment of camping oportunities for my family. It's extremely well built. LOVE IT.
This review is much like the replacement upright pole review in that this bag had only been used in the field once before the top portion tore.
Having used the Family Camper tent on once previous occasion, upon teardown of camp to move, the tent was stuffed in the bag and the drawstring was pulled to close the top of the bag. With very little effort, the bag tore at the drawstring stitching closure. Like really easy. Not sure what the issue is/was, since the tent had been stored cool and dry. Anyway, Springbar was gracious enough to offer a replacement, which has stood up just fine after multiple setups and teardowns.
We stopped by the Springbar store and picked up a couple replacement bags for some older tents we have had in the family for generations.